
Cyclic capacities of Batch I PEI–silica adsorbent using fluidised bed reactor

“24 cycles of adsorption and desorption tests for Batch I PEI–silica adsorbent were carried out at an initial bed temperature of 70 °C under dry condition. The results are summarized in Fig. 7. There were no data points plotted for several cycle IDs as these cycles were conducted for other purposes such as air capture [33]. The adsorption and desorption equilibrium capacities decreased from the initial value of 9.5 wt% down to 7.0 wt% after 24 cycles. The relative loss of capacities is about 26% over 24 cycles, compared to 14% loss for TRI adsorbent over 40 cycles and 41% loss for PEI adsorbent over 22 cycles as measured by Sayari and Belmabkhout [27] under dry condition. The breakthrough capacities also showed a decreasing tendency from 5.4 wt% to 3.9 wt%. Deactivation of the adsorbent over a number of cycles is believed to be attributed to the thermal and/or oxidative degradation by the accumulated formation of urea groups [9], especially at the high desorption temperature. This feature of quick degradation is obviously unfavourable for a practical capture process as the frequency of adsorbent replacement and the operation cost can be unacceptably high.”


“Fig. 7. Cyclic capacities of Batch I PEI–silica adsorbent (cycles ID: I5–I24, initial bed temperature 70 °C, under dry condition).”

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