“Clay minerals are ubiquitous and are capable of interlayer and surface adsorption of CO2. In addition, their modification allows for the improvement of CO2 adsorption capabilities even more. The prospects of the most widely available clay minerals in the Baltic States for large-scale CO2 emission reduction and suitable alternative approaches for clay modification to improve CO2 adsorption capacity can be found in review [66]. Recently, clay-containing MOF-composites have been studied for various purposes. The main goal of clay-MOF-composites is to improve the properties of MOF, which would allow them to be used more efficiently in various fields. For instance, Xie et al. [67] have improved CuBTC with higher hydrothermal stability and catalytic activity by hybridization of CuBTC with natural clay attapulgite and montmorillonite affecting the size of Zn-BDC crystals [68] and improving the thermal stability of MOF-5 [69]. The improvement of hydrolytic stability is based on two types of co-ordination between MOF and clay. The -OH groups on the clay surface can co-ordinate with metal ions in MOFs, such as Cu in CuBTC, while the carboxyl groups of CuBTC can inversely chelate the Mg2+ and Al3+ of the clay [67]. Compared with GO, CNT, GA, and others, eco-friendly and low-cost natural materials could be preferable as filler additives. Articles published so far show that clay-containing materials can serve as a template for in situ MOF-composite synthesis [25,69]. Aminoclay (aminopropyl functionalized Mg phyllosilicate) has been used to stabilize in situ synthesized CuBTC, and CO2 adsorption capacity was 39% higher than that of pristine MOF [25].”