“Figure 3 shows the vapor–liquid equilibrium results obtained for solutions containing mixtures of different diluents and 10 wt % of diisopropylamine, at both 40 and 80 °C. These data can also be found in the Supporting Information together with its uncertainties.”
“Figure 3. Vapor–liquid equilibrium data for solvents containing 10 wt % diisopropylamine.”
“The blue-colored datapoints refer to values obtained under operation at 40 °C and clearly indicate heavy depression of chemical reaction in the NMP–diisopropylamine blend (◇ markers). This is evidenced by the almost entirely linearly dependent set of VLE data obtained at both 40 and 80 °C, typical of physical absorption behavior (i.e., Henry’s law). Conversely, H2O–diisopropylamine and MEG–diisopropylamine have VLE curves commonly observed for chemical solvents, hallmarks of which are little dependence of CO2 solubility on partial pressure up to near the stoichiometric limit (α = 1 mol CO2·mol amine–1) and, afterward, a sharp dependency of solubility on pressure.