“Based on the analysis of 14 triplicate measurement sets, 42 measurements in total, the expanded repeatability (k = 2) is estimated to be ±4.54% of the measured value. The accuracy estimate is ±0.63% of the measured value, based on a single measurement of a 1.110 wt% CO2 standard. Therefore, the expanded uncertainty estimation for the method is ±5.2% relative (rounded to 2 significant figures) with a coverage factor of k = 2. A Bland–Altman plot shows that 40 of 42 measurements have a relative deviation from the mean value which is within 5.2% or lower, and thus the confidence level is approximately 95%. In future test campaigns the uncertainty analysis should be improved, utilising multiple measurements of CO2 standards which have a range of different CO2 concentrations. Additionally, it is assumed that the nominal amine concentration remains constant throughout the test campaign, when in reality it may vary due to water losses and/or solvent degradation.”