4.1. Influence of Broadband Radiation
When deriving Equation (12), we neglected the influence of the broadband illumination E(t) of the photodetector, which can be significant when working with hot objects. The presence of additional thermal radiation leads to the appearance of an additive term in the photocurrent of the sample channel:
Here, isig���� is the photocurrent of the sample channel when the broadband illumination is negligible; is0 = GsĎs(t)Ďνs(t)I0(t); iadd is the photocurrent due to the broadband illumination; iadd = GsE(t). In this case, the output voltage of the logarithmic converter in the sample channel is described by the equation:
As a result, an additional voltage Uadd appears at the output of the differential amplifier, which for small absorptions is described by the equation:
It can be seen from Equation (17) that the illumination of the photodetector by the broadband radiation leads to a shift of the baseline at the output of the lock-in amplifier and to a decrease in the measured absorption signal by an amount proportional to iadd/is0. Additional illumination can also lead to errors in determining the temperature, since the values of the signal currents is0 in the vicinity of the two spectral lines can differ significantly. Therefore, the requirements for shielding the sample photodiode from broadband illumination become critical.
In our work, the radiation was collected in the sample channel through a multimode optical fiber with a core diameter of 50 Οm. Thus, the input aperture in relation to broadband illumination was radically reduced and, accordingly, the contribution of iadd was reduced. For reliable focusing of laser radiation on the face of the fiber, the principle of autofocus using a micro-prism retroreflector was applied.
As was pointed above the errors of the logarithmic processing depend on the level of the additive component and are approximately defined by Equation (17). To check this claim, scanning (122 Hz) and modulation (50 kHz) of DL1 were switched on and the first harmonic of the absorption signal on the 7185 line was measured with logarithmic processing. At the same time, DL2 worked in a steady state mode and its radiation provided the additive input in the photocurrent of the sample photodiode PDs. The level of this additive component was maintained in the linear response mode and could be varied. The results of these measurements, presented in , confirm the validity of Equation (17). Based on the data in , one can conclude that the additive component of the current through the LC should be minimized.
Table 1. Dependence of the peak-to-peak signal of the first harmonic Uptp on the relative contribution of the additive current iadd.
In our experiments the additive contribution in the signal at 1000 K was below 3 Ă 10â3. This contribution was defined by the photocurrent from the broadband thermal radiation, the reflection of the DL radiation from the non-ideal connections in the mm-splitter, and the leakage current of the input electronic circuit cascades.
4.2. Errors of Non-Ideal LC
The use of LCs based on p-n junctions may introduce additional sources of uncertainties. During the modulation experiments, the errors of logarithmic processing increase with increasing modulation frequency because of leakage through the shunt capacity of the p-n junction. This capacity is defined by the eigen capacity of the junction, the input capacity of the operational amplifier, and the effective capacity of the photodiode. The capacity of a photodiode with a diameter of a sensitive area of 2 mm can be up to 1000 pF. The dynamic resistance of a p-n junction is defined by its current, and for currents less than 10 ÎźA, this can be above several kΊ. As a result, the relation between high-frequency and low-frequency components at the output of the LC decreases compared to the input. In addition, a phase shift occurs in the high-frequency component. This effect increases with increasing modulation frequency. Significant deviations of the LC parameters from the ideal may cause additional errors in the determination of spectroscopic line parameters and, consequently, introduce errors in the determination of a gas temperature. To minimize these errors, one should use photodiodes with small eigen capacities, for example, photodiodes integrated with fibers and the radiation collection efficiency should be increased using high-quality MPRR. In our set-up, the moderate quality of all components dictated the selection of a limited modulation frequency â50 kHz. Another reason for the limitation of the modulation frequency is low efficiency of the wavelength tuning of the DLs, namely, a decrease of the modulation amplitude with increasing modulation frequency. Because of this limited efficiency, the level of RAM increases and approaches the maximum permitted level of a DL injection current.
4.3. Characteristics of Excess Multiplicative Noise
When using a rotating plastic disk (), the mean level of photocurrent decreases by ~20% and simultaneously fluctuations sharply increase. Spectra of the photocurrent noise with (disk on, black trace) and without (disk off, red trace) the multiplicative components, measured in the direct mode are presented in . The low frequency part of the noise spectrum with multiplicative components (black) increases by 45 dB compared to the spectrum without multiplicative components (red) and follows a 1/f dependence. Excess flicker noise exists below 60 kHz.
Figure 2. Spectra of the photocurrent noises; plastic disk off (red trace), plastic disk on (black trace).
The efficiency of the new data processing algorithm is shown in . The figure shows 3D images of raw data (signals from the photodetector PDs) registered in the DAS mode (a) and using the log-WMS-1f technique (b) for a temperature of 1050 K.
Figure 3. Signals from the photodetector registered in DAS mode (a) and log-WMS-1f mode (b).
The 3D spectra registered in DAS mode exhibit well-defined absorption lines in both spectral ranges when there were no extra noises (disk off), but weak lines in the 7466 cmâ1 spectral range are indistinguishable in noise with the disk on. On the contrary, absorption lines in both spectral ranges are well detected even with extra noise using the log-WMS-1f technique.
The same results were exhibited in the absorption spectra detected in a single scan. Raw data for single-scan measurements are shown in . Signals detected in DAS mode are shown in the left panels; signals detected in the log-WMS-1f mode are shown in the right panels. The upper traces in both panels were detected without extra noise in the sample channel (disk off), while the lower traces were detected with extra noise (disk on). Large differences in the efficiency of the absorption spectra registration in the two modes were evident. The log-WMS-1f technique provided the efficient elimination of extra multiplicative noise and enables sensitive registration of weak absorption lines.
Figure 4. Raw data of a single scan detected in DAS mode (left panels) and log-WMS-1f mode (right panels); disk offâ(a,b); disk onâ(c,d).
4.4. Temperature Measurements
Several series of measurements were performed at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1100 K. In each series, the temperature was measured by a thermocouple and by the spectroscopic technique. The log-WMS-1f spectra were recorded without a rotating plastic disk (disk off) and with the insertion of additional multiplicative noise (disk on). At each temperature, 18 scans were recorded in one measurement. Each scan was processed separately, as well as averaged (over 18 scans) for one measurement. The amplitudes of modulation of the optical frequency of the lasers varied from series to series. Below are the results for a series in which the modulation amplitudes were set to am1 = 0.0057 cmâ1 for the 7185 cmâ1 laser and to am2 = 0.017 cmâ1 for the 7446 cmâ1 laser.
To determine the temperature, the measured spectra were fitted to a theoretical spectrum H1(v). The absorption lines were constructed assuming a Voigt profile. Before the fitting procedure, the experimental spectra (raw data) were transformed to the frequency domain (cmâ1) using the measured spectrum of the FabryâPerot etalon.
Two processing algorithms were used. The flow chart for the first algorithm is shown in . In this algorithm, two spectral ranges (7185 and 7466 cm
â1) were fitted as a single spectrum. Initially, the spectrum of the first harmonic was simulated for a certain starting (guess) temperature for each section from the HITRAN database [
32] according to Equation (15). The Doppler widths were fixed at a guess temperature. Fitting the simulated spectrum to the experimental one was carried out using the nonlinear least squares method. Least squares (model fitting) algorithms [
33] were employed. In each range, the fitting parameters were the positions of the centers of the absorption lines ν
01, ν
02, and their Lorentzian widths Îν
L1 and Îν
L2. The common fitting parameters in the two ranges were temperatureÂ
TÂ and coefficientÂ
K. As suggested in [
34], the contribution of the first three orthogonal polynomials was additionally subtracted from the experimental and simulated spectra. From a mathematical point of view, this was equivalent to fitting the baseline of the experimental spectra using a parabola [
Figure 5. Flow chart for the first algorithm for inferring the temperature from the measured spectra. SSE is the sum of squared errors.
The flow chart for the second fitting algorithm is shown in . In this algorithm, the simulated spectrum H1(v) was fitted separately for each spectral range. At the initial (guess) temperature Tg, the line absorbance A1 and A2 were determined independently for the position of the line centers ν01 и ν02, the Lorentzian widths of the lines ÎνL1, ÎνL2, and the coefficient K. Temperature T was inferred using Equation (4). If T was noticeably different from Tg, then an iterative procedure was started. Iterations were stopped when the difference in temperature evaluation between two successive steps was less than 10 K. This temperature was assumed as the measured gas temperature in the cell.
Figure 6. Flow chart for the second algorithm for inferring the temperature from the measured spectra.
As an example,  shows the spectra measured in one scan for T = 1050 K (thermocouple) and the residuals from processing using the first algorithm. The developed log-WMS-1f technique provides a very reasonable estimation of the gas temperature, even in one scan. Note that the laser was scanned with a frequency of 122 Hz, which gives an estimation of the temporal resolution of about 8 ms. The temperature obtained as a result of fitting was T = 1022 K for the disk off. For the experiments with additional noise (disk on) the temperature inferred from the ânoisyâ spectra was T = 1040 K. Fitting using the second algorithm gave 1043 and 1057 K, respectively.
Figure 7. Fitting of the spectra measured by the log-WMS-1f technique in one scan with rotating disk off (a) and disk on (b). The measured spectraâblack lines; the best-fit simulated spectraâred lines; residualsâgreen lines.
The results of fitting of all scans from this series of experiments for temperature T = 1050 K (thermocouple) are shown in . Each point in  is the T value obtained in a particular scan when processed by two algorithms and with the disk off/on (see the legend to the figure). In some scans, the deviations from the temperature of the thermocouple were larger with noise, and in some without noise. The values for three temperatures averaged over 18 scans and according to statistical errors for different modes (disk off/on) and different processing algorithms are presented in . These results show that statistical errors in the case of noise were greater than those without noise. Nevertheless, due to the good noise suppression by our proposed method, the temperature estimate was quite good even in the presence of excessive noise.
Figure 8. The results of temperature evaluation by the log-WMS-1f technique in each of the 18 scans. The dotted black trace is the reading of the thermocouple. Plots with symbols are inferred temperature from log-WMS-1f single scans: solid black plotâdisk off, fitting by algorithm 1; green plotâdisk off, algorithm 2; red plotâdisk on, algorithm 1; blue plotâdisk on, algorithm 2.
Table 2. Results of temperature evaluation by the log-WMS-1f technique.
Experiments were performed with the plastic disk off (without extra noise) and on (with extra noise). The temperature was evaluated using two algorithms of data processing. For all series of experiments conducted the difference between the temperature measured by a standard thermocouple and the average value determined by the developed methods was, with the disk turned on, ÎT ⤠40 K for temperature ~1000 and ÎT ⤠30 K for temperature ~800 K.
The results presented in  show that both algorithms of data processing provided quite close temperature estimates. Generally, the second one was better for the case of the large difference in the intensities of absorption lines, while in the process of separate fitting the strong line did not âimposeâ its line shape on the weak one. In our review [
35], we discussed the situation with lines of comparable intensity when both algorithms were equivalent. In the current paper, the lines were very different, and it was better to use the second algorithm. The first algorithm can be used in the case of registration of both lines within the tuning range of one DL [
13]. In this situation, the simultaneous fitting of lines of comparable intensity will allow a better approximation of the baseline.