“Surface tension has a high influence on the effective interfacial area of the packing material [32] and ultimately influences the overall mass transfer rate. Accurate and reliable surface tension data can enhance the confidence in process simulations, which will reduce the cost and safety margins [40]. The surface tension measurement of MEA solutions also can be performed for pure MEA, aqueous MEA, and CO2-loaded aqueous MEA. Literature is available for the measured surface tension of MEA for all kinds of solutions. Vazquez et al. [41] measured both pure MEA and aqueous MEA at different temperatures from 298.15 to 333.15 K using a Traube stalagmometer and a Prolabo tensiometer based on the Wilhemy plate method. Idris et al. [40] and Han et al. [4] measured the surface tension of pure MEA and aqueous MEA at different temperatures using Rame-Hart advanced goniometer model 500. For CO2-loaded aqueous MEA, Jayarathna et al. [31] measured aqueous solutions of 20–70 mass% MEA with CO2 loading 0–0.5 mol CO2/mol MEA at temperatures from 303.15 to 333.15 K and also 80 mass% MEA with CO2 loading 0–0.5 mol CO2/mole MEA at temperatures from 313.15 to 343.15 K.”