“Table 16 lists the relevant correlations for the surface tension. The behaviour of surface tension of pure and aqueous MEA is claimed to be linear with the temperature [4, 41], and data were fitted according to the correlation proposed for pure components as given in equation (50) [75]. The nonlinearity of surface tension with MEA concentration at a given temperature was correlated as illustrated in equation (51) [31, 76] by Vazquez et al. [41] and Han et al. [4] over a range of MEA concentrations and temperatures.
Surface tension measurements performed under atmospheric conditions are mentioned with 0.1013 MPa pressure.
For the surface tension of CO2-loaded aqueous MEA, several attempts have been made by Jayarathna et al. [31] to build an appropriate correlation and a polynomial function was proposed including the CO2 loading and temperature as independent variables as in equation (52). In this correlation, there is no variable defined to represent MEA concentration in the solution. The parameters of the polynomial were found through a regression analysis using measured surface tension data of 20–70 mass% MEA with CO2 loading 0–0.5 mol CO2/mol MEA at temperatures from 303.15 K to 333.15 K. Another correlation was introduced as given in equation (53) for the experiments with 80 mass% MEA with CO2 loading 0–0.5 mol CO2/mol MEA at temperatures from 313.15 K to 343.15 K in which the coefficients of the polynomial were found under different temperatures [3]. The applicability of the Connors and Wright model was discussed. The surface tension of liquid CO2 was considered as a fitting parameter in equation (55) since it does not exist under such conditions [31].”