“In recent years, atomic force microscopes have been used for cell transfection because of their high-precision micro-indentation mode; however, the insertion efficiency of the tip of AFM into cells is extremely low. In this study, NIH3T3 mouse fibroblast cells cultured on a flexible dish with micro-groove patterns were subjected to various substrate strains at 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. It was found that the cell stiffness depends on the prestress of the cell membrane, and that the insertion rate of AFM tips into the cell membrane is proportional to the stiffness through the AFM indentation experiment. The finite element analysis proves that prestress increases the bending stiffness of the cytoskeleton, allowing it to better support the cell membrane, which realizes the stress concentration in the contact area between the AFM tip and the cell membrane. The results indicate that the prestress contributes to the mechanical properties of the cell and suggest that the insertion efficiency could be greatly improved with an increase of the prestress of the cell membrane.”
3.1. Cell Alignment

3.2. Apply Prestress to The Cells
NIH3T3 cells were subjected to various strains in the stretching device. As soon as the stretching ratio reached the set value, the state of the cells was recorded immediately. A clear elongation of culture dish along the stretch direction was detected in Figure 2. The transmission from PDMS culture dish to cell membrane depends on the tightness of cell adherence to the collagen-coated PDMS culture dish. Ten cells were chosen to describe the relationship between PDMS strain and cell strain. The strain along the longitudinal direction can be calculated as
where L0 and L1 are the lengths of cells or substate before and after stretching, respectively. The stretching ratio of the cell increases with the increment of the stretching rate of the PDMS culture dish, as shown in Figure 2f. While the strains of PDMS are 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, the corresponding strains of the cells are 4.28%, 7.93%, 13.25%, 13.72%, respectively. According to Kozaburo’s report [24], fibroblast cells can be stretched up to four times the original length without breaking. Therefore, the cellular activity cannot be impaired when they are stretched by 13.72%. This assumption is confirmed from the subsequent culture after stretching. The cell stretch ratio is slightly smaller than the stretch ratio of the PDMS culture dish when the PDMS strain does not exceed 15%. However, compared with the cell strain when PDMS stretching ratio is 15%, the cell strain does not increase significantly when the PDMS stretching ratio reaches 20%. This suggests that there is an interfacial slipping between the cell and the substrate. This is mainly because large strains, such as focal adhesions, disrupt the cell–matrix junction.

3.3. Cell Stiffness
3.3.1. Measurements of Cell Stiffness
