“Stable cyclic adsorption/desorption performance of adsorbents is especially desired for practical separation process. The cyclic performance of APS/LDHs was obtained (Fig. 9) through its exposure to CO2 at different adsorption temperatures and then regeneration at 120 °C repeatedly. The CO2 adsorption capacity fluctuated around its initial adsorption amount during these five cycles at these testing temperatures, showing excellent cyclic performance. This provided APS/LDHs great feasibility to capture CO2 from fossil fuel-based thermal power plants [1]. Firstly, energy saving for regeneration could be achieved compared with the calcined LDH samples that needed activation at elevated temperatures, e.g., 400 °C [34]. What is more, the CO2 adsorption on calcined LDH samples decreased with the increasing number of thermal adsorption/desorption cycles due to irreversible chemisorption caused by the poor thermal stability and agglomeration of particles [35], while APS/LDHs here showed superior performance stability.”