“As shown in Fig. 7, the CO2 adsorption kinetics of the SASAs change with different grafting times. The CO2 adsorption capacity first increases, then starts to decrease with grafting time. Although longer grafting time leads to larger amine loading according to the TG curves, the highest CO2 adsorption capacity of the SASA-3 was 1.56 mmol g−1. It is explained by that the amine surface content depends on both amines loading and specific surface area. Excessive amine loading leads to the sharp decline of the specific surface area, many amine groups are covered. It indicates that the amine loading should be controlled to avoid the blockage of the pore space and achieve a high amine surface content.”
“Fig. 7 CO2 adsorption kinetics of the SASA samples with dry 1% CO2 at 25 °C.”