The performance assessment of the advanced configurations and the comparison among different PFD’s have been carried out with reference to the following process performance indicators:
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Energy consumption is considered as an indicator of the operating costs of the capture process. The specific equivalent work, ω [MJkgCO2captured−1], considers the steam demand in the reboilers of the process as well as the electricity required for chilling, cooling, pumping and compression. The conversion of each energy consumer to specific equivalent work has been detailed in our previous work [14]. In addition, the specific equivalent work associated with the NH3 capture loop defined by the FG-WW column and the NH3 desorber, ωFG−WWNH3 [MJkgNH3captured−1], has also been used as energetic performance indicator of those configurations aiming at controlling NH3 emissions in the CO2-depleted FG, and it has been computed as follows:(1)ωFG−WWNH3=ωFG−WWṁCO2storageṁNH3FG−WW,in−ṁNH3FG−WW,outwhere ωFG−WW [MJkgCO2captured−1] is the equivalent work per unit of mass of CO2 captured associated with the energy consumers of the FG-WW column and of the NH3 desorber, ṁCO2storage [kgCO2s−1] is the mass flowrate of CO2 captured and sent to storage, and ṁNH3FG−WW,in and ṁNH3FG−WW,out [kgNH3s−1] are the mass flowrates of NH3 in the FG stream entering and leaving, respectively, the FG-WW column.
Furthermore, the type of energy required is analysed, when relevant, by means of the breakdown of steam required in the reboilers of the CO2 desorber, qreb,CO2, the appendix stripper, qreb,app, and the NH3 desorber, qreb,NH3 [MJthkgCO2captured−1], vs. the electricity requirements—assumed to be equal to the specific equivalent work—for chilling, cooling, pumping and CO2 compression, e [MJelkgCO2captured−1].
Besides the two types of energy requirements, the Specific Primary Energy Consumption per CO2 Avoided (SPECCA) index, ζ [MJLHVkgCO2avoided−1], is used as energy performance indicator to assess advanced configurations aiming at improving the energetic performance of NH3-based capture processes. As pointed out in our previous research [14], ζ is preferred as energy performance indicator when the capture process is applied to a specific CO2 point source, which might not have access to the electricity and steam produced in a power plant and where low temperature excess heat might be available for generation of (part of) the steam required in the capture plant. If the capture plant is an end-of-pipe technology that avoids modifications of the manufacturing process carried out in the CO2 point source, as done in this work, ζ can be computed as follows:(2)ζ=qCCSϵref−ϵCCSwhere qCCS is the primary energy consumption of the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) plant, considering the Low Heating Value (LHV) of the fuel consumed, [MJLHV], and ϵref and ϵCCS are the CO2 emissions of the point source without and with CCS plant, respectively, [kgCO2avoided].
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The productivity depends on the volume of the pieces of equipment, which can be used as an indication of the trends of capital costs of the capture process. The cost of the CO2 absorber has been reported as a major contributor to the investment costs associated with a solvent-based capture plant [55]. However, in this work we have added the productivity of the FG-WW column, PrFG−WW, to that of the CO2 absorber, PrCO2abs, in both cases referenced to the flowrate of CO2 captured, i.e. [kgCO2capturedm−3h−1], in order to assess and compare advanced NH3 abatement configurations. Therefore, the overall process productivity, Pr, is calculated as follows:(3)Pr=11PrCO2abs+1PrFG−WW=ṁCO2storageVCO2abs+VFG−WWwhere VCO2abs and VFG−WW are the volumes of packing required in the CO2 absorber and in the NH3 absorber, respectively, which are calculated considering: (i) cylindrical shape, (ii) a hydraulic load at the bottom of each column at 70% of flooding [56], and (iii) a random packing of 25-mm Pall rings with a specific surface area of 207 m2 m−3 used in the pilot tests reported by Yu et al. [52] and further detailed by Qi et al. [57] whose results were used to validate the rate-based model [14] used in this work. Additionally, another productivity related to the removal of NH3 in the FG-WW column, PrFG−WWNH3 [kgNH3capturedm−3h−1], has been defined:(4)PrFG−WWNH3=ṁNH3FG−WW,in−ṁNH3FG−WW,outVFG−WW
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The consumption of water and the consumption of chemicals in aqueous solution, FH2Oin and Fchem,iin, respectively, [kgtCO2captured−1], with i referring to NH3 or to H2SO4, do not only contribute to the operating costs but can also be considered as an indication of process sustainability—in the case of aqueous NH3 solution (25 wt%) and water—or as an indicator for the capture process retrofitability if chemicals that require stringent safety considerations are required for the capture process—in the case of aqueous H2SO4 solution (98 wt%).
Furthermore, the comparison among different advanced configurations has been performed at different cˆNH3 values. Namely, 5, 7 and 9 molNH3kgH2O−1 have been selected as representative of a low, a mid and a high typical concentration of solvent in NH3-based capture processes [3], [14], [52]. The values of the remaining operating conditions for each cˆNH3 value have been extracted from the optimization results obtained in our previous work [14] on the benchmark state-of-the-art CAP configuration shown in Fig. 1. The operating conditions have been selected aiming at minimizing the specific equivalent work for CO2 capture efficiency equal to 0.9. These optimal values are indicated in Table 3, along with their corresponding process performance indicators.
The minimal specific equivalent work was obtained for the mid cˆNH3 case, although the low cˆNH3 case and the high cˆNH3 case also performed very competitively in terms of energy consumption. On the one hand, increasing apparent NH3 concentration in the solvent increases the NH3 slip both in the CO2-depleted FG leaving the CO2 absorber, yNH3FG−WW,in, and in the CO2 gas stream exiting the CO2 desorber, yNH3CO2−WW,in. As a result, there is an increase of the specific reboiler duties of the NH3 desorber, qreb,NH3, and of the appendix stripper, qreb,app, required for the recuperation of NH3 from the vapour streams in the solvent recovery sections. Nevertheless, the main energy consumer of the process is the reboiler of the CO2 desorber, qreb,CO2, regardless of the NH3 content of the solvent. On the other hand, operating the capture process at higher cˆNH3 requires greater water make-up flowrates, FH2Oin, to recover the NH3 slipped to the gas streams, while the flowrates of aqueous NH3 solution make-up, Fchem,NH3in, and of aqueous H2SO4 solution make-up, Fchem,H2SO4in, remain almost unchanged. As far as the productivity of the process is concerned, increasing cˆNH3 allows for greater CO2 absorber productivity, PrCO2abs, as pointed out earlier [14], while it has the opposite effect on the productivity of the FG-WW column, PrFG−WW. As a result, the overall process productivity, Pr, finds a maximum for the mid cˆNH3 case, although the low cˆNH3 case and the high cˆNH3 also allowed for very competitive results. Notwithstanding that the selection of the optimal set of operating conditions that optimizes the capture process can be only determined by means of cost calculations, which is out of the scope of this work, the different effect of the three sets of operating conditions provided in Table 3 on the energy demand, on the absorbers’ size and on the NH3 slip of each process section seems to make them ideal to carry out a general performance assessment and fair comparison of the advanced configurations proposed in this work.
Table 3. Process operating conditions that minimizes the specific equivalent work of the benchmark state-of-the-art CAP configuration shown in Fig. 1, aiming at 0.9 CO2 capture efficiency, when fixing the apparent NH3 concentration in the CO2-lean stream to 5 (low cˆNH3), to 7 (mid cˆNH3) and to 9 (high cˆNH3) molNH3kgH2O−1, reported in the Supplementary Material of our previous optimization work [14]. The NH3 slip in the CO2-depleted FG stream leaving the CO2 absorber, yNH3FG−WW,in, and in the CO2 gas stream exiting the CO2 desorber, yNH3CO2−WW,in, are also reported for each set of operating conditions, along with the corresponding values of the process performance indicators.
Empty Cell | Variable | Units | Simulation case | ||
Empty Cell | low cˆNH3 | mid cˆNH3 | high cˆNH3 | ||
CO2 absorber parameters | cˆNH3 | [molNH3kgH2O−1] | 5.0 | 7.0 | 9.0 |
llean | [molCO2molNH3−1] | 0.33 | 0.35 | 0.38 | |
Llean∕Gin | [kgkg−1] | 5.5 | 5.0 | 5.5 | |
fs | [-] | 0.21 | 0.25 | 0.25 | |
Tpa | [°C ] | 11 | 12 | 12 | |
CO2 desorber parameters | PCO2des | [bar] | 17.5 | 22.5 | 22.5 |
fcr | [-] | 0.0500 | 0.0475 | 0.0450 | |
FG-WW column parameters | cˆNH3FG−WW | [molNH3kgH2O−1] | 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.05 |
(L∕G)FG−WW | [kgkg−1] | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |
TleanFG−WW | [°C ] | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | |
TpaFG−WW | [°C ] | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | |
fsFG−WW | [-] | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 | |
Internal NH3 slip | yNH3FG−WW,in | [ppmv] | 3110 | 4780 | 7880 |
yNH3CO2−WW,in | [ppmv] | 610 | 1410 | 2050 | |
Performance indicators | ω | [MJkgCO2captured−1] | 1.057 | 1.043 | 1.078 |
ωFG−WW | [MJkgCO2captured−1] | 0.031 | 0.037 | 0.045 | |
ωFG−WWNH3 | [MJkgNH3captured−1] | 5.932 | 4.414 | 3.218 | |
qreb,CO2 | [MJthkgCO2captured−1] | 2.22 | 2.16 | 2.23 | |
Treb,CO2 | [°C ] | 145 | 147 | 143 | |
qreb,app | [MJthkgCO2captured−1] | 0.06 | 0.08 | 0.10 | |
Treb,app | [°C ] | 105 | 105 | 105 | |
qreb,NH3 | [MJthkgCO2captured−1] | 0.11 | 0.14 | 0.17 | |
Treb,NH3 | [°C ] | 99 | 99 | 99 | |
e | [MJelkgCO2captured−1] | 0.287 | 0.277 | 0.290 | |
Pr | [kgCO2capturedm−3h−1] | 56.4 | 57.7 | 56.6 | |
PrCO2abs | [kgCO2capturedm−3h−1] | 72.9 | 85.4 | 113.7 | |
PrFG−WW | [kgCO2capturedm−3h−1] | 249.2 | 178.0 | 112.6 | |
PrFG−WWNH3 | [kgNH3capturedm−3h−1] | 1.314 | 1.476 | 1.574 | |
FH2Oin | [kgtCO2captured−1] | 7.04 | 14.26 | 27.52 | |
Fchem,NH3in | [kgtCO2captured−1] | 1.47 | 1.48 | 1.49 | |
Fchem,H2SO4in | [kgtCO2captured−1] | 1.06 | 1.06 | 1.07 |
Unless mentioned otherwise, other assumptions regarding equipment specifications and utilities, required for process simulation and for the computation of the performance indicators, can be found in our previous work [14].