
Influence of pressure on clay based CO2 capture

Figure 7 shows the excess CO2 adsorption isotherm of LiFh, obtained with the pcT-setup described in the Methods section. The excess adsorption is the amount of fluid taken up by the sample. The adsorption measurements were performed at room temperature and a pressure range from 1 bar up to 45 bar. The initial part of the isotherm (0 to ca. 9 bar) represents diffusion of CO2 into the mesoporous and interlayer network52 of the clay powder. Above approximately 9 bar it is likely that the swelling process of the clay has nearly finished and this will result in increased intercalation kinetics. With further increase in CO2 pressure, the excess of CO2 is seen to rise up to around 11 wt. % at a pressure of about 38 bar. At higher pressures, the apparent amount of adsorbed CO2 starts to decrease, likely due to the formation of an adsorbed layer with higher density and comparable to the volume of the clay mineral, associated with approaching the critical pressure for CO253,54.”


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