
Influence of Ni loading on Ni/CeO2/CaO for ICCU-methanation

“The synergistic effect between Ni and Ce on the performance of the ICCC-Met process was studied by Sun et al. (Sun, H. et al., 2022). The Ni-based DFM was synthesized by a physical mixture of porous CaO as the CO2 sorbent and Ni-doped CeO2 nanorods as the catalyst. On CaO-CeO2, the reduction product was solely CO, which assumed that the oxygen vacancies in CeO2 enhanced the CO2 cleavage. However, with the addition of Ni, the dominance product was shifted from CO to CH4 due to the strong interaction between metallic Ni and CO. With increasing the Ni loading from 0.5 to 5 wt%, the CH4 yield increased slightly, but the atomic utilization rate of Ni significantly decreased, because the unit CH4 yield decreased from 1540 mmol/g-Ni for 0.5%Ni/CeO2-CaO to only 168 mmol/g-Ni. For the cyclic stability, the CO2 uptake capacity and CH4 yield were decreased from 18 and 7.9 to 12.4 and 5.2 mmol/g. No carbon deposition was found on the DFM surface, thus the deactivation was proposed to be caused mainly by the sintering of the sorbents.”

Details of ICCU-methanation performance are shown below using various Ni-loadings DFMs.


“Figure – (a, b) ICCU performance, (c, d) cyclic ICCU performance of 0.5%Ni/CeO2-CaO, (e) the comparison of ICCU performance between this study and reported in the literature, (f) the enlarged view of blue area in the figure. ” (



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