
Influence of H2 concentration and reaction temperature using Fe5Co5Mg10CaO dual functional materials for ICCU-RWGS

The concentration of H2 (10, 50 and 100%) and reaction temperature (60, 650 and 700 °C) were investigated for ICCU-RWGS ( As shown in the following figure, an optimal reaction temperature (650°C) was obtained in terms of the conversion of CO2 and the capacity of CO2 capture. The further increase of reaction temperature to 700 °C resulted in a significant reduction of CO2 conversion to 77%. This might be due to the promoted decomposition of CaCO3 at higher temperatures. This was evidenced by the increased yield of unconverted CO2 at 700 °C.

H2 concentration clearly showed a great impact on the ICCU-RWGS performance. The change of H2 concentration between 10 and 100% didn’t affect the capacity of CO2 capture, which was mainly controlled by the dual functional materials, reaction temperature etc. However, at lower H2 concentration, less CO2 was converted. This was related to the thermodynamic limit of RWGS. A high molar ratio between H2 and CO2 would result in an increase of CO2 conversion.


“ (a) Integration of the CO2 capture and conversion processes at 650 °C on Fe5Co5Mg10CaO, at a flow rate of 50 ml min−1; (b) temperature effect on the CO2 capture capacity and subsequent conversion efficiency; (c) the effect of the H2 content on the conversion efficiency at 650 °C; and (d) the effect of the Fe/Co ratio in FexCoyMg10CaO on the CO2 capture capacity and the in situ conversion efficiency under the optimal operating conditions.”

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