
Influence of Cu(OH)2 addition

In the above reference, the addition of Cu(OH)2 with 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 g/L was investigated. The results (Figure 2) show that the addition of Cu(OH)2 increased the concentration of inorganic carbon, which came from the absorbed CO2. Their studies on the concentration of ammonia (Figure 3) also showed that an optimal of 0.2 g/L Cu(OH)2 should be used to maximise the concentration of available ammonia, which is corelated to the amount of inorganic carbon.

In Figure 4 of the above reference, the reaction temperature showed a clear influence. at 85 °C, the addition of Cu(OH)2 was effective to reduce ammonia volatilization by 5.3% . However, at 80 °C, the contribution of Cu(OH)2 was negligible.

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