Fig. 7 shows the predicted solution speciation and heat of CO2 absorption in the NH3–CO2–H2O system, respectively, all at m(NH3) = 3 mol kg−1 H2O and T = 2 °C. Because the formation of carbamate (NH2COO−) and NH4HCO3(s) significantly impact the heat of CO2 absorption, the whole absorption process is divided into three stages according to carbamate and NH4HCO3(s) formation, as shown in Fig. 7, i.e. Stage I: CO2 loading < 0.5 mol CO2/mol NH3; Stage II: 0.5 < CO2 loading < 0.7 mol CO2/mol NH3; and Stage III: CO2 loading > 0.7 mol CO2/mol NH3. They are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.

At low CO2 loading (Stage I), there is an excess of free NH3, and carbamate is the main product in the solution via the forward reaction of carbamate formation (R5). For example, 0.333 mol CO2/mol NH3, 72% of CO2 converts to carbamate and only 12.5% and 15.4% converts to bicarbonate and carbonate, respectively. Fig. 7(b) shows that the overall heat of CO2 absorption first decreases and then increases rapidly with increasing CO2 loading. As explained above, (R5) moves forward to form carbamate with increasing CO2 loading in Stage I. In this stage, (R5) is an exothermic process (−ΔH of (R5) has a positive value) and thus releases heat.
As the absorption proceeds to Stage II, carbamate is decomposed via the backward reaction of carbamate formation (R5) to form bicarbonate, with 56.9% of CO2 turns into bicarbonate, 13.6% into carbonate, and 29.5% into carbamate at CO2 loading of 0.667 mol CO2/mol NH3. In this stage, (R5) moves backward with increasing CO2 loading. As shown in Fig. 7(b), (R5) is still the dominant reaction, but becomes an endothermic, thus reducing the overall heat of CO2 absorption (the overall process remaining exothermic).
Fig. 7(a) shows that for CO2 loading greater than 0.7 mol CO2/mol NH3 (Stage III), NH4HCO3(s) is gradually formed via the forward reaction of NH4HCO3(s) formation (R6) at 2 °C. The amount of bicarbonate produces by carbamate decomposition is equal to that consumes by solid formation, so the concentration of bicarbonate remains constant. The corresponding overall heat of CO2 absorption increases due to the heat release from the solid formation, which can be seen in Fig. 7(b). The overall heat of CO2 absorption is about −78 kJ mol−1 CO2 at CO2 loading of 1 mol CO2/mol NH3, which is similar to the initial stage of absorption. Now, NH4HCO3(s) formation (R6) contributes most to the overall heat of CO2 absorption. Water as a main reactant is continuously consumed by CO2 dissociation (R2), CO32− formation (R3) and NH3 protonation (R4), causing water ionization (R1) to move backward and to release heat in the entire absorption process. It is worth pointing out that the heat of CO2 physical absorption (R7) remains −21 kJ mol−1 CO2 or so in Fig. 7(b). This is because the Henry’s law constant of CO2 physical absorption (R7) depends on temperature, and the physical absorption amount of CO2 increases linearly with increasing CO2 loading.28
Fig. 8 shows the contribution of each reaction to the overall heat of CO2 absorption at m(NH3) = 3 mol kg−1 H2O and T = 2 °C. The share of CO32− formation (R3) is very small due to the small amount of CO32− in the solution. The water dissociation (R1), CO2 dissociation (R2), carbamate formation (R5), and CO2 physical absorption (R7) are the main contributors to the overall heat of CO2 absorption at the initial phase (CO2 loading = 0.25 mol CO2/mol NH3). This is quite different from amine-based system. Kim et al.27 reported that the main contributors to the overall heat of CO2 absorption in MEA solution were carbamate and MEAH+ formation reactions. When CO2 loading is 0.5 mol CO2/mol NH3, the contribution of carbamate formation (R5) becomes minimum. This is because carbamate formation (R5) is at a tipping point from forward to backward reaction, when the extent of carbamate formation reaction (R5) is very weak. After the solids appear at CO2 loadings greater than 0.7 mol CO2/mol NH3, the NH4HCO3(s) formation (R6), water dissociation (R1), and CO2 physical absorption (R7) become the main contributors to the overall heat. The contribution of NH4HCO3(s) formation (R6) is 32% at a CO2 loading = 1 mol CO2/mol NH3.

Fig. 9 and 10 show the prediction of solution speciation change and heat of CO2 absorption in the NH3–CO2–H2O system at T = 15 °C and 40 °C, respectively. At T = 15 °C (Fig. 9), three stages, similar to the process at T = 2 °C (Fig. 7), are observed, but with a higher turning point of CO2 loading (moving from 0.7 at T = 2 °C to 0.85 mol CO2/mol NH3 at T = 15 °C). Additionally, speciation data reported by Jilvero et al.31 at m(NH3) = 3.5 mol kg−1 H2O and room temperature is also include in Fig. 9. The trend of the model results agree well with those of experimental data. However, the model values of NH2COO− are distinctly lower than the experimental data. This is because the NH3 concentration in Jilvero et al. (m(NH3) = 3.5 mol kg−1 H2O) is higher than that in this study (m(NH3) = 3 mol kg−1 H2O). According to (R5), Higher NH3 concentration promotes the formation of NH2COO−, so the NH2COO− concentration in Jilvero et al. is higher than our model results. When the absorption temperature increases further to 40 °C, only two stages can be seen in Fig. 10. The third stage caused mainly by the formation of NH4HCO3(s) disappears at higher temperature, as shown in Fig. 10.
