“Thermodynamic, as a mature, self-consistent theory, could be applied as a powerful tool to access the energy-efficient performance of an innovative energy system. Taking the most commonly applied MEA absorption as an example, the thermodynamic cycle, which is used to provide an energy profile of a complicated energy system, should be based on the properties of the MEA solution. Moreover, the absorption and desorption process should be designed reasonably, then multiple processes are connected to form a cycle. Finally, the energy-efficient analysis is performed based on the developed cycle. In addition, performance indicators, which are developed based on thermodynamics, such as COP or perfection, could provide valuable insights on exactly how the energy-efficient performance of such a system could be. This paper provides a new method to analyze the energy conversion efficiency of CCS technologies, as shown in Figure 3. The chemical potential of CO2 is enhanced by the input heat, changing from the low CO2 concentration state, μ1, to the high CO2 concentration state, μ2, through an amine-based absorption cycle. The ratio of the Gibbs free energy change of the CO2 gas to the input heat in the cycle means the energy conversion efficiency.”
Figure 3. The new concept of energy-efficiency performance of an amine-based absorption cycle.