“The conversion of photon energy into other energetic forms in molecules is accompanied by charge moving on ultrafast timescales. We directly observe the charge motion at a specific site in an electronically excited molecule using time-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (TR-XPS). We extend the concept of static chemical shift from conventional XPS by the excited-state chemical shift (ESCS), which is connected to the charge in the framework of a potential model. This allows us to invert TR-XPS spectra to the dynamic charge at a specific atom. We demonstrate the power of TR-XPS by using sulphur 2p-core-electron-emission probing to study the UV-excited dynamics of 2-thiouracil. The method allows us to discover that a major part of the population relaxes to the molecular ground state within 220–250 fs. In addition, a 250-fs oscillation, visible in the kinetic energy of the TR-XPS, reveals a coherent exchange of population among electronic states.”
In this paper we generalise the CS concept known from conventional, static XPS to electronically excited states, introducing the excited-state chemical shift (ESCS, not to be confused with the ESCS in nuclear magnetic resonance). We test this on the thionucleobase 2-thiouracil (2-tUra), which is photoexcited to a ππ* state by an ultraviolet (UV) light pulse (Fig. 1). The S 2p photoionization with a soft x-ray pulse, of photon energy hv, leads to a photoelectron with kinetic energy Ekin = hv − Ebind. The molecular UV photoexcitation changes the local charge density at the probed atom (Fig. 1b bottom), which leads to a specific ESCS. We find a direct relation between the ESCS and the local charge at the probe site in analogy to the potential model for the CS in static XPS6. This allows one to circumvent complex calculations of IPs, while allowing for an interpretation based on chemical intuition. We show that the largest effect on the ESCS is due to electronic relaxation, especially if the local charge at the probed atom is grossly changed in the process. A smaller, but non-negligible effect, stems from geometry changes, which can also alter local charge at the probed atom.
“Figure 2a shows a photoelectron spectrum of 2-tUra obtained at the FLASH2 free-electron laser (FEL)38 using a nominal photon energy of 272 eV and an average bandwidth of 1–2%. The electron spectra are taken with a magnetic-bottle electron spectrometer (MBES). We identify the sulphur 2p-photoelectron line (blue) at a kinetic energy of 103.5 eV in agreement with the literature39. The width of about 4 eV does prevent us from distinguishing the spin-orbit splitting39,40. The photoelectron line is accompanied by shake-up satellites at around 91 and 96 eV41. Upon UV excitation (“UV-on”, orange line), the 2p-photoelectron line shifts towards lower kinetic energies. The difference spectrum (“UV-on” – “UV-off”, green line at a delay of 200 fs) is equal to the difference between GS and ES spectra times the fraction, f, of excited molecules (f ·(ES-GS)). Part of the main photoelectron line is shifted into the region of the upper shake-up satellite, but the main part of the satellite line at 96 eV and the satellite at 91 eV remains unaffected. Figure 2b shows a time-dependent false-colour plot of the difference spectra. Temporal overlap has been determined by analysing the integrated absolute difference signal. The integrated signal under the positive/negative lobe in the difference spectrum is given in Fig. 2c.
The difference feature keeps its characteristic lineshape over the timescale of our measurement shown in Fig. 2b, indicating a persistent kinetic energy shift to smaller values over the whole range. The difference-amplitude changes significantly during the first picosecond. We use an exponential model function convoluted with a Gaussian time-uncertainty function of 190 (±10) fs FWHM (see Supplementary Discussion 1). We observe an exponential decay of 250 (±20) fs to 75% of the maximal signal for the negative part and 220 (±40) fs to 65% of the maximal signal for the positive part. The positive amplitude is always smaller than the negative amplitude. Systematic investigations of the difference spectra for various experimental settings exhibit the influence of so-called cyclotron resonances on the relative amplitudes in the MBES (see Supplementary Discussion 2). We therefore abstain from interpreting further the relative strength of the positive and negative features.
Spectral oscillations at small delays
Figure 3a shows a magnified part of the difference spectrum in Fig. 2b. To enhance the visibility of the spectral dynamics, we normalised each delay-slice on the area of the positive lobe. Despite the spectral width of about 4 eV, we identify oscillatory features in the positive part of the difference spectrum within the first ~600 fs. From zero delay to 150 fs, the spectrum shifts to lower kinetic energies and the peak of the spectrum widens. The shifts are most clearly visible in the spectral region from 99 to 101 eV. In the ground state, the shake-up peak at 96 eV has some spectral wing in this region. However, we do not observe a UV-induced change on the shake-up peak in its main part and lower energy wing. We thus assume that the main spectral effects in the 99–101 eV range are solely due to the UV-altered main photoelectron line.
After reaching minimal kinetic energies at 150 fs, the spectrum shifts towards higher kinetic energies by about 0.5 eV and the peak narrows reaching its extreme in the range between 200 and 300 fs. Subsequently, the spectrum shifts and widens again to reach its other extreme at 400 fs. For larger delays, the spectrum shifts again to higher kinetic energies. Further oscillations are not observed, however, for reasons of scarce experimental time, the delay steps are too coarse to follow additional oscillations (for more details see Supplementary Discussion 3). The negative lobe does not show systematic trends in this region and is therefore not shown in Fig. 3.