
Economic analysis of Hunter 3 MEA based CO2 absorption process

Capital Costs

CO2 capture island equipment costs were estimated based on proprietary costs, budgetary pricing, and allowances. All costs are provided in 2017 dollars. Labor costs were estimated for each individual subcontracted process or component rather than a blanket percentage over the whole project, and include the associated labor indirect costs which apply to this type of work such as overtime, per diem, contractor’s G&A and profit.

Indirect project costs, such as engineering, construction management, startup, and commissioning support, construction materials and initial fills for testing were also included in the estimate to provide a total capital investment. The owner’s costs were not included.

The overall cost for the commercially available amine-based CO2 capture system is provided for each of the three facility sizes. To calculate the total cost per mass of CO2 captured, all costs must be evaluated on an annual basis. In previous U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) case studies, a capital annualization factor or Capital Charge Factor (CCF) of 0.1243 (1/yr) was used to evaluate costs on a constant dollar basis. This methodology was used to calculate the total cost of capture for this TEA.AnnualizedCapitalCost=CCFXPWhere,CCF=i(1+i)n(1+i)n−1

Table 5 provides a breakdown of the capital cost.

Table 5. Capital cost summary of CO2 capture slipstream systems (McPherson et al., 2018)

Description Case 1 (65% Capture) Case 2 (90% Capture) Case 3 (1,000 lb/MWhg)
Balance of Plant (BOP) Scope
Civil, Site Prep and Structural 6,168,200 7,125,500 5,434,200
Architectural 4,812,000 5,850,000 4,016,100
Mechanical 15,945,200 18,867,300 13,704,900
Electrical and I& C 2,342,900 2,342,900 2,342,900
CO2 capture System (EPC) 470,000,000 610,000,000 380,000,000
Total Direct Capital Cost ($) 499,268,300 644,185,700 405,498,100
Other Direct and Construction Indirect Costs (Excludes EPC) 6,221,000 7,266,000 5,420,000
Engineering (Excludes EPC) 3,549,000 4,145,000 3,092,000
Construction management (Excludes EPC) 710,000 829,000 618,000
Startup/Commissioning (Excludes EPC) 366,000 427,000 318,000
Contingency (Excludes EPC) 8,022,000 9,370,000 6,989,000
Total Other Cost ($) 18,868,000 22,037,000 16,437,000
Total Capital Investment ($) 518,136,300 666,222,700 421,935,100
CCF 0.1243 0.1243 0.1243
Annualized Capital Cost ($/yr.) 64,404,400 82,811,500 52,446,600

Operating Costs

Operating costs were estimated based on a capacity factor of 77% and are provided in 2017 dollars. Fixed O&M costs for operators, maintenance material and labor, and administrative labor costs were also included based on typical assumptions.

The overall O&M cost for the commercially available amine-based CO2 capture system is provided for each of the three facility sizes Table 6. provides a breakdown of the annual O&M cost.


Operating labor is based on the addition of 24 operators for the CO2 capture system.


Water treatment costs include chemical and solids disposal costs.


Solvent costs include the cost for new makeup solvent and disposal of the degradation products.


TS&M is based on the DOE suggested rate of $10/tonne of CO2 captured.

Table 6. O&M cost summary of CO2 capture slipstream systems (McPherson et al., 2018)

Description Case 1 (65% Capture) Case 2 (90% Capture) Case 3 (1,000 lb/MWhg)
Total Fixed Operating Cost ($) 7,195,000 7,195,000 7,195,000
Annual Operating Labor¹ 3,295,000 3,295,000 3,295,000
Maintenance Material & Labor 3,900,000 3,900,000 3,900,000
Total Variable Operating Cost ($) 39,492,000 51,507,000 31,030,000
Makeup Water 1,052,000 1,465,000 769,000
Demin Makeup Water 41,000 57,000 30,000
Water Treatment² 356,000 454,000 235,000
Pre-scrubber Caustic Solution 809,000 1,079,000 540,000
Lost Generation/Auxiliary Power 14,570,000 20,236,000 10,793,000
Lost Generation/Process Steam 14,570,000 16,998,000 12,681,000
CO2 Capture Solvent³ 8,094,000 11,218,000 5,982,000
CO2 Transportation, Storage and Monitoring4 ($) 19,581,000 27,138,000 14,472,000
Total annual O&M Cost ($) 66,268,000 85,840,000 52,697,000


Cost of Capture

Table 7 provides an estimate of the total quantity of CO2 captured in a year as well as the evaluated cost for the CO2 capture system.

Table 7. Evaluated cost of CO2 capture systems (McPherson et al., 2018)

Description Case 1(65% Capture) Case 2(90% Capture) Case 3(1,000 lb/MWhg)
Annualized Capital Cost ($/yr.) 64,404,400 82,811,500 52,446,600
Annual O&M Cost ($/yr.) 66,268,000 85,840,000 52,697,000
Total Annual Cost ($/yr.) 130,672,400 149,079,500 118,714,600
Annual CO2 Captured (tons/yr.) 2,158,460 2,991,500 1,595,240
Cost of Capture ($/tons) 61 50 74

The development of a new solvent can reduce the overall cost of CO2 capture by slashing the utility usage (water, steam, power), and the size of the unit. For example, the recently developed amine-based solvent shows promising qualities in capturing CO2 with a lower cost of $50.6/tonne CO2 (Zheng, Barpaga et al. 2020) and $47.10/ tonne of CO2(Jiang, Mathias et al. 2021).

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