The conversion of CO2 and methane is important indicators of the performance of ICCU-DRM, in addition to the selectivity to H2 and CO. The follow methods from different literature are quite similar, although the format of equations might be different.
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“The conversions and consumption rates of CH4 and CO2 were calculated based on the following equations:”
“where Xi (%) and ri (mol s−1 kgNi−1) respectively represent the conversion and the consumption rate of species i, Fi,in and Fi,out (NmL min−1) are the inlet and outlet flow rates of species i (i = CH4 and CO2), Fi,out is calculated by Eq. 11. WNi (kg) is the mass of Ni, calculated from the catalyst mass (kg) and the nickel metal loading (wt%).”
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“Some indexes are defined to evaluate the SLDRM process, including CH4 conversion efficiency XCH4, overall H2 yield YH2 and overall CO yield YCO, CO ratio in the reforming step SCO, and sorbent capacity CSr:”