“The CO2 adsorption efficiency of the adsorbent was presented as an adsorption capacity (Qads) that was determined by plotting between Cou/Cin versus time to obtain a breakthrough profile. The Qads could be calculated using Equations (5) and (6) [68, 70]:”
“where Qads is the adsorption capacity (molCO2/g), F is the total flow rate (mol/minute), Cin is the concentration of CO2 entering the reactor (vol%), Cou is the concentration of CO2 downstream of the reactor (vol%) and t is the time at which the Cou reaches its maximum level (minutes). M is the weight of the adsorbent (g) and tst is the stoichiometric time corresponding to the CO2 stoichiometric adsorption capacity (minutes). The stoichiometric adsorption capacity can be shown to be proportional to the area between the breakthrough curve and a line at Cou/Cin = 1.0.”
“The rate of CO2 adsorption was also determined by observing the slope of the plot of Qads with respect to time. The regeneration performance of the adsorbents could be determined by comparing the Qads of the first and the second adsorption runs of the same adsorbent. The energy requirement for adsorbent regeneration (Qreg, kJ/molCO2) was calculated using Equation (7), which was reported in the previous work [68] and adopted from the work of Singto et al. [71]:”
“where K is the thermal conductivity of the stainless-steel reactor (16.5 W/mK), A is the surface area of the cylindrical sector of the adsorbent in the reactor (m2), Δt is the temperature difference between inside and outside the reactor (K) and Δx is the thickness of the reactor (m). The CO2 produced (mmolCO2/g.s) is obtained from the CO2 adsorption capacity of the second run of the CO2 adsorption experiment.”