
Causality analysis among solution properties and the regeneration energy

“As the presence of HSS alters solution properties, there are necessarily impacts on the overall process performance (i.e., the regeneration energy). Figure 6 shows the connections between compositional changes (e.g., generation of weak acids, reduction in CO2 loading range), solution properties, and regeneration energy. To better understand the mechanisms in Fig. 6, the heat of vaporization, the sensible heat, and the heat of CO2 desorption were analyzed separately.

Fig 6

Fig. 6. Connections between compositional changes, solution properties, and regeneration energy. Arrows connect components according to their functional dependence with red arrows indicating a positive relation and blue arrows indicating a negative relation. The green arrow indicates the causal feedback that a change in VLE, due to HSS, has on the operational CO2 loading range; the presence of HSS increases PCO2* at a given CO2 loading and resultantly reduces the CO2 loading range, which negatively feeds back to the decrease in PCO2*. Dashed arrows indicate that the change in the subsequent component is negligible due to the minor change in the preceding component which results from counteracting effects from its preceding components or fixed operating conditions.

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