MgO-based adsorbents

Background and introduction of MgO-based CO2 capture

Outlook of MgO-based CO2 capture “We conclude that MgO-based sorbents promoted with AMS are highly suited for CO2 capture applications in precombustion schemes involving high pCO2 (>5 bar) in the temperature range of 300–550 °C. Current

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CO2 adsorption - solid materials

Thermodynamics of MgO based CO2 capture “Here, we point out some aspects of recent research activities on MgO-based sorbents, which, in our opinion, are misleading regarding the practical use of these

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CO2 adsorption - solid materials

MgCO3 growth in NaNO3–MgO using FIB-SEM “Subsequently we used plasma FIB-SEM to obtain a smooth cross-section of a groove allowing for high quality stacks of SEM images of cross-sections through

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