
Base Case CO2 Capture Cost

Estimates of CO2 capture cost for all the base cases in this study are presented in Table 15. These values are in line with the literature results. According to reference [31], CO2 capture costs for post-combustion CO2 capture processes are in the range of EUR 50/tCO2 to EUR 128/tCO2. A decade ago, reference [65] reported a range of EUR 60/tCO2 to EUR 90/tCO2 for the power industry. Meanwhile, a range of USD 48/tCO2 to USD 111/tCO2 (i.e., EUR 41/tCO2 to EUR 95/tCO2) was reported by [35] specifically for post-combustion CO2 capture from NGCC power plant’s exhaust gas.
Table 15. Comparison of the base cases’ CO2 capture cost of the different plant scenarios (reference: FTS-STHX).
NGCC Power Plant CO2 Capture Processes Cement Plant CO2 Capture Processes
Standard LVC Standard LVC
EUR/tCO2 % EUR/tCO2 % EUR/tCO2 % EUR/tCO2 %
FTS-STHX 73.4 0.0 69.4 0.0 62.1 0.0 57.3 0.0
FH-STHX 73.6 0.2 69.6 0.2 62.2 0.2 57.4 0.2
UT-STHX 72.8 −0.8 68.9 −0.7
PHE 70.2 −4.4 67.2 −3.2 59.4 −4.4 55.6 −3.0
Negative percentage indicates cost reduction and positive percentage implies increase in CO2 capture cost.
In their study, Roussanaly et al. [66] estimated a CO2 capture cost of EUR 63.2/tCO2 (cost year of 2014) for a solvent-based CO2 capture from a cement plant’s flue gas. For the cost year of 2016, Ali et al. [31] estimated the capture cost for a similar cement flue gas CO2 capture system to be EUR 62.5/tCO2. These literature capture costs are close to the capture cost in this work for the STHXs systems, though the cost years are different.
These results revealed that using the PHE in a standard post-combustion CO2 capture process will lead to 4.4% reduction in carbon capture cost. A CO2 capture cost reduction of approximately 3% will be achieved if the lean vapour compression is implemented instead. These are significant cost reductions, since over 1 million tons of CO2 and over 630,000 CO2 are captured in the NGCC system and the cement system, respectively.
The costs based on actual CO2 emissions reduction (CO2 avoided cost) from the cement plant were also estimated for the FTS-STHX, FH-STHX and PHE capture scenarios. They are EUR 87.5/tCO2, EUR 87.7/tCO2 and EUR 73.7/tCO2, respectively, for the cement flue gas’ standard of CO2 capture process. For the lean vapour recompression cement flue gas process, the costs are EUR 77.4/tCO2, EUR 77.6/tCO2 and EUR 75.2/tCO2 for the FTS-STHX, FH-STHX and PHE capture systems, respectively. The CO2 avoided cost values reported in the literature for the MEA capture systems ranges widely from EUR 75/tCO2 to EUR 170/tCO2. A CO2 avoided cost of EUR 95.2/tCO2 was estimated by [67], while reference [68] estimated EUR 81.9/tCO2. Li et al. [29] reported an avoided cost of EUR 86.4/tCO2. A CO2 avoided cost of EUR 83/tCO2 was estimated by [66]. For a closely related system, EUR 80/tCO2 was recently estimated by [52].
The analysis of CO2 actual emissions reduction is given in Figure 6. Steam and electricity are assumed to be generated from natural gas with CO2 emissions of 0.18 kg of CO2 emitted per kWh (thermal). The lean vapour compression (LVC) has better CO2 emissions reduction performance due to the reduction in reboiler heat consumption from 3.89 GJ/tCO2 to equivalent heat (reboiler heat and compressor work) of 3.28 GJ/tCO2 (see Table 11 and Table 13).
Figure 6. Annual CO2 emissions reduction analysis.

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