“The offshore natural gas purification process should be energy efficient and compact. In order to fulfill these requirements, various emerging solvent regeneration processes have been established. Table 2 shows the comparative analysis of the emerging solvent regeneration technologies for the offshore natural purification process, in terms of the energy consumption and size reduction. As a summary, membrane contactor technology is the most promising emerging solvent regeneration technology, since this form of technology can significantly reduce the energy consumption and footprint requirements, followed by ultrasonic irradiation technology, microwave, and rotating packed-bed technology. Yet, all these emerging technologies suffer from several drawbacks in terms of their operational and maintenance difficulties, and material reliability. To ensure the feasibility of these technologies, these highlighted issues should be addressed prior to their full commercial application.”
Technologies | Energy | Size | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Membrane contactor [71,73] | −85% | −54% |
Flash drum [82,83] | Not reported | Not reported |
RPB [87,89,91] | +115% | −9.7% |
Ultrasonic irradiation [112,115] | −66% | −16% |
Microwave [74,80,81] | −16.6% | −22% |