
A cost summary from various researches on MEA based CO2 absorption

“The TEA of CO2 capturing technology is important for the feasibility of the setup of the facility. A few researchers (Singh, Croiset et al. 2003Schach, Schneider et al. 2010Husebye, Brunsvold et al. 2012Roussanaly, Brunsvold et al. 2013Ali, Agbonghae et al. 2016Li, Leigh et al. 2016Hu, Xu et al. 2017Rolfe, Huang et al. 2017van der Spek, Sanchez Fernandez et al. 2017Cau, Tola et al. 2018Rolfe, Huang et al. 2018) have investigated the cost of CO2 capture and retrofitting in coal or natural gas-fired power plants using different methods like amine scrubbing or combustion with pure oxygen and recycling of flue gas. A cost summary from various researches including federal and academic institutes is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Cost Comparison for CO2 Capturing and Unit Retrofitting

Type of Plant Method Cost ($/ton of CO2) References
Coal-fired MEA scrubbing 53 (Singh, Croiset et al. 2003)
Coal-fired O2/CO2 recycle combustion 35 (Singh, Croiset et al. 2003)
MEA scrubbing 32-76 (Roussanaly, Brunsvold et al. 2013)
Coal-fired MEA scrubbing 75.1 (Li, Leigh et al. 2016)
NGCC MEA scrubbing 92 (DOE-NETL 2007)
NGCC MEA scrubbing 83 (DOE-NETL 2010)
NGCC MEA scrubbing 74 (Rubin and Zhai 2012)
NGCC MEA scrubbing 95 (EPRI 2009)
NGCC MEA scrubbing 114 (DOE 2010)

The CO2 capture cost including the retrofitting to the power plant depends on various factors such as location, type of power plant, compositions of the flue gas, capture technology, capture amount and the ability of the power plant to supply utilities that are required in capturing unit.

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